Domestic moving service to and from Genoa 

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The company GTS Grandi Traslochi Sicuri is at your disposal to carry out national removals, particularly in the areas of Milan and Genoa.

If you are looking for a company that can offer solutions tailored to your needs, turning to GTS Grandi Traslochi Sicuri you can find a wide variety of services for your national removals in Genoa and Milan.

Contact the company for a free, no obligation quote!

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Customized moving

The company GTS Grandi Traslochi Sicuri has a large fleet of vehicles, divided between trucks and vans of various sizes and freight elevator ladders, for transporting and moving any type of furniture.

In addition, the company's staff for years has also been involved in packing, furniture storage, rental of any support vehicles and numerous other services, in order to ensure an excellent service of efficient and customized national removals in Genoa and Milan.

Packing service

To ensure that your domestic removals in Genoa and Milan are safe and your items arrive at their destination without damage, GTS Grandi Traslochi Sicuri, a company active throughout Italy, also handles the packing service.

The staff will either supply the packing materials, if requested by the customer, or take care of the task themselves.

Requesting a move

The company GTS Grandi Traslochi Sicuri is waiting for you in its Genoa office.

To contact the company and request a free estimate for a domestic move in Genoa or Milan, you can consult the contact details listed in the appropriate section of the website.

Get a quote for your domestic removals in Genoa now!

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